$8FA My god! JOKre's decided to live up to his name and tell.... |2-A JOKE!! $A9D An Amerian is visiting London and decideds to hail a cab for a tour. He waits on a corner and sooner or later a cab comes along. "Can you give me a tour of your fair city?" The cab driver agreed and the American got in. First of all, they went to Big Ben. "Whats that?" the american asked. "That there sir is Big Ben" the driver said proudly "Humph" replied the American "Back in the US of A we could build something like that in 2 months" They then went to the houses of Parliment. "Whats that?" the american asked. "That there sir is the houses of Parliment" the driver said proudly "Humph" replied the American "Back in the US of A we could build something like that in a month" The driver then took them to Trafalgar Square "Where are we?" the american asked. "That there sir is Big Ben" the driver said proudly "Humph" replied the American "Back in the US of A we could put together something like this in a week" The driver, now a bit pissed off, drove to Buckingam Palace. "Whats that?" the american asked. "That there sir is the palace" the driver said proudly "Humph" replied the American "Back in the US of A we could build something like that in a day" The driver carried on, this time into the west end. "Um driver" said the American "Where are we?" "I've no idea" said the driver "None of this was here this morning". $99E JOKre/Wildfire -- Nothing against Americans of course, they invented Star Trek--